Blog Archive

Monday, September 6, 2010

Robin Hood (2010)

To be honest, I was expecting to watch a remake of that classic story which speaks of a brave and sympathetic sharpshooter, one who would raid trading expeditions from the rich and dispense the valuables to the poor. Make no mistake, the setting and the peoples are the same, all are described quite differently however. Actually, in 110 minutes the movie focuses solely on how our hero came to be the revered outlaw Robin Hood and not on his exploits or his life on the run as a noble thief. The story, spiced with some basic political intrigue, is interesting enough although not a strong point. If the movie has any of that in fact, this must be the characters and again, not because of their depth but because of how they are brought to life through performances and direction. As far as the action goes, the overly over-shaky and way too often astray camera tend to tire and ultimately bore in otherwise solid battle and chase sequences. A well made film in general, but the romantic concept this time is treated in a mainstream action flick way. Worth watching if out of options.

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