The Girl Who Played With Fire is the second part of the Millennium trilogy. The story takes up a year after the events that took place in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and, superficially, develops from a subplot of the original. All credit to the writers, watching the original is not a prerequisite to enjoy this movie at full. That said, for several reasons I recommend that the films should be watched in proper order. The cast remains aptly the same and the acting as good as ever. The characters are superbly realized both in conception and presentation - even the sidekicks felt very appropriately set and acted. The story is quite involving and the storytelling almost never runs off the tracks, providing good pacing to the movie as well as good mystery for nearly two hours. And then at the end, characters suddenly lose purpose, events seem exaggerated but are literally unbelievable, the direction becomes so substandard that at the time, I could not decide whether it was the ideas absurd or the presentation outrageously bad. Everything turns nonsensical as if uninspiringly trying to necessitate the existence of another part. The story never concludes and so, never provides any answers. The last 15 minutes' frustration aside, you've got a very well done and interesting movie, which is obviously recommended.
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